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You are the new human blueprint!

Whether you identify as a highly sensitive person, empath, creative type, telepath, healer, psychic, or star seed…

…you came here . . . to this planet . . . right now . . . for a reason.

As empaths, we chose to incarnate at this moment in human evolution with our special collection of qualities because, quite simply, it is time. And, as such, we are uniquely qualified for this mission as way-showers.

Presently it may seem like we are an anomaly, but truly, we are the new norm! Trendsetters aren’t known to be rule followers. They are rule breakers. They do things, see things, know things, and believe things before they are popular or accepted. Your life experiences have prepared you for this unique role.

Have you been the black sheep? The weirdo? The one cast out, judged, misunderstood, or ridiculed by your family?

Maybe, instead of them being here to teach you, you are here to teach them. Instead of your family, friends, workplace, and society trying to get you to fit into their mold, is it possible that you are really here to break the mold altogether?

Being an empath is an honor. And it is the way forward. Instead of walking through life hiding your exquisite brilliance, can you instead walk in full brightness believing—knowing—that you are the prototype for the next phase of human evolution?


Can you embrace the risk of being different? Can you accept, with humility and confidence, your mission—however small or large—to contribute a higher vibration to the collective?

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The emergence of so many empaths in recent decades isn’t a random occurrence. It is the next level in our human evolution—what I call the empathic big bang. Those of us present on the planet right now are here to help anchor the new human blueprint as we ascend into higher consciousness.

This summit is for those of you who wish to embrace and manage your sensitive nature, but even more profoundly, it is for those who are seeking an entirely new paradigm—one that illuminates your place in the cosmos and gives you a sense of belonging and purpose.

It is for all of you who chose—at a soul level—to incarnate on this planet right now to help humanity evolve into the next level of consciousness.

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I have gathered a panel of 22 experts who have walked the path of the evolutionary empath for decades.  We are here to show you how you can not only relate to your sensitivities as assets (instead of liabilities), but to understand the bigger picture of why you are here, and to give you tools, mindsets, and practices for thriving.

My intentions for this telesummit - collectively with these 22 sensitive sages - is to activate your cosmic mission as a sensitive soul!

More than just a conversation, I've asked each speaker to include in their talk some form of ceremony, activation, or guided process so you could receive not only information, but an experiential activity to support the enlivening and awakening in your spirit.

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Here are just a few of the potent topics we will cover (each interview is approximately 40-55 minutes in length)...

Anodea Judith

The Empath as an Archetype of Feminine Leadership

Michael R. Smith

Anchoring your Soul as Divine Protection for Empaths


Judith Corvin-Blackburn

Navigating Higher Frequency Energies as a Multi-Dimensional Empath

Lisa Campion

How Empaths Can Save the World

Eileen Day McKusick

Empathy is a superpower!

Steven Kessler

The Key to Self-Confidence (It's Not What You Think)

Astara Jane Ashley

Cosmic Alignment: Unveiling Your Soul's Authentic Mission through Creative Expression

Linda Star Wolf

Empaths in The Age of Aquarius: Connecting to The Shaman Within

Wendy De Rosa

Empaths Lead the Way: Transform Oversensitivity, Set Boundaries, and Trust Your Intuition

Carley Mattimore

Empath and Warrior: Unrequited Love Resolved

Kathy Forest

Activate Your Cosmic Mission Through a Deeper Connection to Your Soul

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Here are all of our 22 amazing speakers!

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Astara Jane Ashley

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Cayelin Castell

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Kathy Forest

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Eva Marquez

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Simran Singh

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Suzanne Worthley

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Tammy Billups

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Christi Clemons Hoffman

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Anodea Judith

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Carley Mattimore

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Michael R. Smith

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Frank Zaccari

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Rima Bonario

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Judith Corvin-Blackburn

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Steven Kessler

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Eileen Day McKusick

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Laura Wolf

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Lisa Campion

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Wendy De Rosa

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Dianna Leeder

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Amelia Perkins

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Linda Star Wolf

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Plus me, your host,

Stephanie Red Feather

This transformational event is free to all registered attendees!


(Only during the active dates of the summit: May 6-10, 2024. After that time, you must purchase the lifetime access upgrade. to gain access to all the interviews.)

Simply click the button below to register...

(and then you'll be directed to a page where you can purchase lifetime access)

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I believe we as empaths chose—at a soul level—to help humanity move into heart-centered consciousness.

As a collective species and at the level of our souls’ consciousness, we have decided that it is time to anchor god-consciousness more fully—and more accurately—back into the human experience to more wholly embody our spiritual nature. It is time.

Human consciousness is expanding as we trek along the current cycle of ascension. This ascension is waking us up, reminding our souls of ancient knowledge and practices we once had access to. Our vibration is being raised. We are in the upswing, once again moving toward enlightenment and illumination. This time has been predicted by the wisdom teachings and sacred texts of civilizations that span the globe.

Are you ready to take your place in the cosmic dance?

It’s time for empaths everywhere to own their power, embrace their gifts, and be fully-embodied bringers of the light.

Join us for this global activation event!

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